Hello World! (and what are we doing here anyway?)

Well, hello there!

Can you imagine a consulting firm that has been in business for 5 years but has never put up a web page? Well, you’re lookin’ one. Our story until now has been a testament to the tremendous power of customer loyalty and word-of-mouth referrals. Yet, we realize that growth demands more visibility. So, here we are, stepping into the digital world, ready to connect on a broader scale!

What to expect

In the near future we’ll be doing a few short videos, blog posts, and original content which cover our favorite tools, or new tools that we’ve been learning about. I expect to release a handful of videos in the coming months, covering:

  • An end-to-End Analytics project: Fetching raw data from the web, loading it to snowflake, transforming it in dbt, and visualizing it in tableau.

  • We’ll also be looking at some of Snowflake’s recent announcements and easily use Snowflake power Streamlit webapps.


The purpose of this blog is for those who stumble across our webpage to get an idea of the tech stack we work with and the types of projects we take on. You can get to know us personally through the videos we release.

How you fit in

We sincerely hope you'll find value and inspiration in the videos and posts we share! If our content resonates with you and you'd like to discuss more, please don't hesitate to reach out to us by clicking "Contact Us"!

Your feedback is important to us. We invite you to share your thoughts and suggestions to help us improve this space to better serve you and the wider data and analytics community.

Thank you, and here's to the beginning of an exciting digital journey!




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